DAM for Manufacturing Brands: A Sales Accelerator

17 Mar


Written by

Teoman Efe




DAM for Manufacturing Brands: A Sales Accelerator
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Digital Asset Management for the manufacturing industry is a tremendous sales accelerator. This sector features a very large number of products and manufacturing processes. Implementing a DAM solution is essential to better organize the production of marketing content. It allows quick availability of assets, while offering excellent control of their distribution. Discover all the advantages of using DAM in the manufacturing industry and how it accelerates and improves the utilization of content.

How can you automate and streamline the process of producing marketing content and visuals? How can you simplify their sharing? How can you guarantee technical conformity of all content created, while ensuring it is constantly updated? How do you ensure marketing teams, often in the four corners of the world, can quickly find the visual they are looking for? While there is certainly no single answer to any of these questions, none of them can avoid the implementation of a true enterprise DAM.

Equipped with tools that are often slow, poorly optimized and not very user-friendly, manufacturing companies struggle to efficiently organize their product marketing and communication strategy. These difficulties can quickly result in a loss of competitiveness on the market, and thus a decline in turnover.

Learn how Wedia's DAM solution addresses the challenges and marketing needs of the industrial sector.

Why should major manufacturing companies be interested in DAM?

In this sector, the complexity comes less from the diversity of audiences but from the complexity of the products or manufacturing processes offered. Content must be both engaging and technically rigorous. In other words, a PDF document that gives a summary of technical characteristics or an animated video that illustrates an assembly process must be the result of a workflow that involves a lot of expertise. An enterprise DAM meets this need in ensuring the technical compliance of content, but not only that. In this sector, where the levels of digital transformation are varied, it can sometimes prove tricky to anticipate the formats that best correspond to the habits of audiences.

Hence the importance for the same master asset to be able to adapt to a variety of formats, from brochures to videos. However, it is still necessary to master this “content connection", particularly when applying essential updates. Here again, the DAM's ability to organize content according to a specific tree structure and taxonomy for each business is invaluable. Technologies such as DAM solutions for manufacturing are transforming the way internal teams and different players in the value chain collaborate. They enable them to use content and media in a much more comfortable and secure way.By enabling them to collaborate and share knowledge and resources, DAM systems provide the ideal framework for increasing the effectiveness of marketing and sales actions.  

A DAM for the industrial sector integrates seamlessly with your current tools and provides you with data on all your content.

Keeping content in the DAM perfectly up to date also means that the DAM must be able to interoperate with existing applications and in particular the PIM (Product Information Management). This is the unique advantage of an enterprise DAM: Its ability to fit into an information system.The DAM's Media Delivery and Digital Experience features are also used to deliver content optimally and at scale, and to accurately track consumption for analysis. What content contributes to subscriptions? Which ones reduce low-value call center solicitations?Detailed analysis of content consumption (by market, product, geography) is an invaluable tool to better understand customers in highly competitive markets.

Store specific product information

In the manufacturing industry, it is important to be able to save, store and track various product information. Technical specifications must be easy to find in order for teams across the business to be able to locate, and share such information. Using a DAM, such information is rapidly available and can be combined with technical documentation such as PDFs, legal papers and presentations. 

What's more, thanks to metatagging and AI (Artificial Intelligence) the DAM system can learn to recognize your specific products, meaning that when searching for a specific reference, it is easily found and inserted into your campaigns or projects.

Build a brand portal

When it comes to the manufacturing sector, there is the need to store a significant quantity of products and information in one centralized hub. This product information might change from market to market or country to country but brands must ensure that information is correct and consistently presented in the same way, in order to protect brand integrity. 

Creating a brand portal is there key to ensuring the correct use of brand materials relating to products. By controlling how products are presented and the brand guidelines concerning images, colors, fonts and logos, no matter who is accessing the various assets, marketing and communications team can be reassured that they will be used in the same way. This not only reduces the need for design teams to edit materials each time teams need to share them, but build a consistent brand image.

Integrated AI

Manufacturing brands will likely be targeting multiple markets and territories when it comes to promoting their products. How products are marketed in each country or language can differ and as such changes have to be made to how a product is presented. 

With AI that is directly integrated into a DAM platform, such as Wedia.ai, changes to backgrounds can be carried out without needing to reshoot or redesign existing campaigns. 

In this way, a product that has already been photographed in an urban setting can be remarketed for a rural setting by simply changing the background with integrated AI. This reduces the time and cost spent on asking design agencies or creative teams to alter the existing assets and means multi-location campaigns can be rolled out seamlessly. 

A highly secure environment

The manufacturing industry must ensure that their assets and product information, including legal documentation is securely stored. With a DAM system, brands can rest assured that their assets are highly protected.

To add to this, specific permissions can be added for each user to control how much they can see and edit, including for external service providers. 

With intelligent tagging of each asset, brands can track how they are being used and easily identify any copyright infringements or wrongful use or certain products. 

Defined workflows

Teams across one company often need to collaborate on projects together. Tracking deadlines and monitoring which teams need to intervene and when can however be tricky and time consuming. 

With easy to use workflows, projects are easy to follow as deadlines are set and notifications are created to inform people as and when their input is needed. This allows for a more seamless way of working, giving everyone a detailed overview of each project, how it is progressing and the status of each variable.

DAM as the Single Source of Truth for manufacturing companies

For these brands, DAM serves the key function of a "Single Source of Truth“. This means that the DAM references assets that the teams can work with confidently: images, videos, marketing documents with finely tuned modification rights to facilitate localization without compromising the brand. This ensures that all your teams are working with the most recent versions of your digital assets and that the consistency in your group's communication is maintained.

Huge productivity gains with DAM for the manufacturing sector

At this scale, it is out of the question to let everyone wander for hours looking for a visual. Content categorization and search functions must allow quick access to product packshots, campaign visuals, etc. Productivity is also guaranteed by integrating DAM with existing PIM (Product Information Management) solutions as well as with e-commerce sites of brands or retailers. In addition, DAM allows you to categorize and search for your content according to your company's operating and organizational rules. Thanks to advanced search functionalities (full text, faceted, Artificial Intelligence...), your teams will be able to find the content they need very quickly. The considerable time saving generated by the use of the Wedia DAM allows teams to gain in productivity and thus allocate more time to different tasks.

Wedia, a SaaS software company, offers leading international brands a Digital Asset Management (DAM) solution, a marketing software that meets the needs of a content-centric marketing strategy. The Wedia DAM solution supports marketing teams in the industrial sector in enhancing the value of their content, from creation to distribution, with the sole objectives of increasing brand awareness and boosting sales.Learn how Wedia's DAM solution addresses the challenges and marketing needs of the industrial sector on our dedicated page DAM for the industrial sector.

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