How to enhance brands’ content distribution strategies with Media Delivery and Digital Experience

22 Aug


Written by

Bella Foxwell




How to enhance brands’ content distribution strategies with Media Delivery and Digital Experience
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Wedia’s DAM system is built to respond to the varying needs and challenges of our current and future clients. 

As well as a sophisticated central system that stores, shares and organizes all digital content in a secure and centralized location, Wedia offers two extra modules: Distributed Marketing and Media Delivery & Digital Experience. These modules afford our clients extended functionality depending on their use of the DAM system and provide a fully-rounded approach to content management, distribution and tracking. 

In this article we will look at the module, Media Deliver & Digital Experience, and how it enhances your brand’s impact by ensuring the seamless delivery of your content.

A key tool for marketing and communication specialists

The challenge for communication and marketing teams now lies in having to create content for multiple channels, with formatting and style differences depending on the target audience. In one study, it was shown that 52% of marketers use three to four marketing channels when carrying out a marketing campaign, with some using up to eight. This does however come with benefits, as the broader the use of channels, the higher the ROI. 

Add to that the fact that large, international brands must work across territories to ensure that messaging is correctly adapted for different cultures (and indeed languages) and the workload for such teams becomes significant. 

This is where a system such as Media Delivery & Digital Experience comes into play, assisting not only with the intuitive sharing of content onto a brand’s various platforms, but also understanding how said content performs. 

Wedia’s Media Delivery & Digital Experience module comprises two parts: Media Delivery and Digital Experience. The two work together to provide clients with a complete content distribution overview, from publishing to analysis. 

Let’s examine the two parts:  

Media Delivery: the key to effective distribution

The power of images is undeniable, particularly for online shoppers. This means brands with ecommerce websites must work to ensure their imagery is of the highest quality. Indeed, 22% of people return items because they don’t appear how they look in the photo and 90% of Etsy shoppers say their purchasing power lies in good photos

Media Delivery therefore plays a crucial role for brand’s looking to carry out a multi-channel asset distribution strategy. 

With this tool, a brand’s assets can be taken directly from their DAM environment and published onto the selected channels. This means that there is an automatic link between a company’s DAM and their e-commerce site, social media platforms or internal communication platforms. This protects processes and means marketing and communication teams are not having to switch between multiple tools and continually upload and download assets. 

Employing a multi-channel approach to marketing is a tactic used by a number of successful brands. Starbucks for example, through its “Stars” loyalty program communicates with its clients across many channels; website, app, phone and in-store, allowing customers to upload their card onto the channel they prefer and pay using the card stored on their mobile device. The look and feel of the communication will change depending on the channel the customer is using but throughout it all, they get a consistent experience. With 72% of consumers saying they prefer to connect with businesses through various marketing channels, this technique is a successful one.

Harnessing AI to make content distribution easier

The Media Delivery tool also uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to ensure that each asset, as well as being distributed to the right platform, is being published in the most optimum way. 

This means that smart cropping, background removal, color substitution or video subtitling are carried out automatically. What exactly does this look like? With different channels having different ways of displaying assets, think Instagram vs LinkedIn, the AI capacity will automatically resize your assets to fit with the correct dimensions of the channel. When talking about an international company targeting multiple markets, automatic background removal can change how products appear in order to adapt to various cultures, for example a car placed in a beach location vs a mountain one depending on the target country. 

This ability creates a highly-personalized experience for users as they feel uniquely targeted by the content that they are seeing for the brand. Many brands are investing in personalized content, particularly as reports show how important it is for customers, with one McKinsey report showing that 76% of consumers get frustrated by businesses who do not offer personalized experiences. 

With this being done by AI, man hours are not being used to manually change assets, involving multiple teams and lost time. 

What’s more, thanks to a Content Delivery Network (CDN), the speed of delivery to users looking at a brand’s content is enhanced. This is because the system uses the closest server in order to deliver web content to people looking at a company’s channels. This results in loading times being optimized for each user, no matter their location – providing a smoother and thus more enjoyable experience. 

Media Delivery is all about prioritizing the user experience through adapted content which is targeted to language, culture, location and platform. Now let’s look at how it fits in with Digital Experience.

Digital Experience: analyzing for improvement

As brands work to provide high-quality content which is tailored to their audience, they cannot know how well this content is being received if they are not actively monitoring it and collecting relevant KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).

Tracking KPIs is beneficial to brands for a number of reasons: 

Clear insights: by tracking KPIs, brands are able to understand the effectiveness of their campaigns and content strategies

Understand improvement options: closely following KPIs means being able to identify early on where improvements could be made and teams can make immediate changes

Demonstrate ROI: if marketing and communication teams need to prove the success of their campaigns, this can be easily done with clear KPI reporting

Making comparisons: in order to truly understand how one piece of content performs compared to another, it is KPI analysis which is going to show brands what is working and what is not

Understanding a customer’s digital experience is going to be crucial for brands to understand how they are viewed externally and if their content is performing in the way they want it to

With the Digital Experience tool, users have access to clear and understandable analytics which allow marketing and communication teams to build up an extensive picture of how their assets are performing, across channels and markets. 

In this way, users of Digital Experience can: 

  • Track image and video views 
  • Know where the user is located 
  • Understand the device being used 
  • Observe how assets perform across different channels
  • Set and monitor objectives for various campaigns
  • Compare how assets perform for different markets and channels 

Added to that, for users looking for a greater level of detail, Wedia is able to build tailormade reports for specific projects as required by the client, providing a high-level of detail for any given campaign.  

Media Delivery and Digital Experience: the perfect duo

‍Within Wedia’s DAM environment, our clients benefit from the intuitive stocking of all different kinds of media; from 3D formats to video, photos, legal documents and audio files. With the addition of the Media Delivery and Digital Experience assets can be cleverly distributed onto a brand’s various channels and then analyzed to see how they have performed. 

‍The advantage of using a DAM system such as Wedia’s is that it sits perfectly within an existing MarTech stack, meaning its fit in with the CMS, PIM and CRM platforms that a brand is already using, resulting in the distribution of content being as seamless as possible. 

An encompassed approach to content strategies is what brands are on the lookout for now which is why at Wedia we have extended our DAM offering to include such modules as Media Delivery and Digital Experience. 

If you’re interested in finding out more, request a demo today. 

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