Women in tech: interview with Product Manager Emilie Nucci

28 May


Written by

Louise McNutt




Women in tech: interview with Product Manager Emilie Nucci
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Emilie Nucci is a Product Manager at Wedia, supporting the development of new features and functionalities within our Digital Asset Management (DAM) product. In this interview, she gives us insights into what first attracted her to the tech sector, and how she found her place in a traditionally masculine industry. 

Could you share with us some details about your background, your journey in tech, and what inspired you to develop your career in this direction?

I initially studied Media Studies and I then spent 10 incredibly rewarding years working for digital communication agencies. Here, I got to work on a huge range of projects, where I experienced many types of clients within different contexts and industries. I also worked on specific projects within the client company, which meant I saw firsthand a large variety of tech environments and ways of working. 

My career began as a Front-End Developer, which developed into Digital Project Manager, Scrum Master and then finally Product Manager. 

What really led me to this path within the tech industry is the creative side of it, which for me has always been the driver for my career and which has pushed me forwards with my job choices. Within the tech sector we have a job where we build and create, and the sector is really conducive to that. 

In my current role as Product Manager, I have the chance to work within a team where we are collectively innovating, something which I am incredibly passionate about. 

Can you tell us a bit about what it is that you do and what a regular day for you is like?

I am a Product Manager at Wedia and have worked here for nearly three years. My working day involves orchestrating the development of our product, so I will coordinate with the team in order to clarify and align our priorities and make sure that we are working together on the same goals on a short and long-term basis. 

We also work on the new features that we want to develop and this involves strategic meetings with relevant stakeholders to make decisions about how we want our DAM product to evolve and ensure that our Product Roadmap continues to match up to the market expectations. 

I also carry out what we call design workshops where we bring together developers and the Design Team. The idea is to match the technical vision that we have with client needs and market trends in order to transform challenges or problems into solutions within our product. 

Did you always know that working in technology was what you wanted to do? How did you decide to go into technology?

I discovered that technology was a sector which was able to open up a number of doors to me. There are many opportunities when it comes to innovating and positively impacting not only users of the technology, but on a more general scale our ways of living and working. The tech sector is really a large playing field, where there are plenty of opportunities to be part of real change. 

Before I started my studies, I was already very interested in multimedia; I enjoyed editing videos and IT was a subject that attracted me. This is why I chose to do a Media Studies degree, one which was incredibly practical as I got the opportunity to be involved in digital projects such as short films, 3D films, web development and design. 

I was therefore fully immersed in many of the skills that are part of the tech sector. From the moment that I dipped my toe into this field, I’ve never left it. At first it was hard for me to find the right path, but I quickly realized that each of these disciplines interested me and therefore becoming a Product Manager was a way for me to bring these skills and ways of working together. 

What’s it like to manage a team?

As a Product Manager I have always led various teams across different types of projects, but it is relatively new to me to directly manage a team. 

For me, I want to make sure that everyone in the team can find their place in order for the whole team to work together harmoniously. This means finding the right balance, exercising diplomacy, having a listening ear but also being able to be firm when required. 

My responsibility now lies in making sure the team can function on a long-term basis, which of course means finding the right talents who I believe can slot into the team and bring something new to it. 

Are there any challenges that you have faced as a woman working in this field?

I wouldn’t say I have been met with any particular problem; I have been lucky to have a number of really positive professional experiences. I would say however that I have always worked in very masculine environments, meaning I’ve been part of teams or meetings where I was the only woman. This can certainly be intimidating, particularly when we start a new career. 

Being in these kinds of situations means learning how to assert yourself in order to be heard, and for many women this can be an uncomfortable position to be in. Women, I would say, will generally work on merit, waiting to demonstrate successful work before asking for further professional advantages, but of course the professional sphere doesn’t always work like that which means there are still differences in the working environment between men and women, like for example with salary gaps.  Wedia in this regard aims to be as open and transparent when it comes to salary raises and company changes including promotions and job changes. 

I do however believe that this is changing as the mindsets of both businesses and women are changing, particularly as we now know how important a balanced working environment is for the success of a company. 

Do you think there are enough opportunities for women in the tech field?  

I think there are more and more opportunities for women. The last recruitment process that I was part of, I was pleased to see that we received a number of applications from women. 

Nevertheless, there are still significant differences, particularly if we are talking about senior management positions which are mainly occupied by men. 

I believe companies are now seeing how diversity has a positive impact on business success so there are changes being implemented, but for the moment in my opinion it is insufficient. 

At Wedia for example, objectives have been set around inclusion, equal treatment and gender equality, allowing for representation of both sexes across our various teams. This commitment has been demonstrated in a 2023 Gender Equality Index, where Wedia received a score of 91/100. 

I think perhaps the technology sector can seem somewhat intimidating to women and they feel as if they don’t have a place within it. I however would say that for any woman thinking about a career in tech, they should absolutely go for it, there is a place for you! 

What advice would you give to a woman considering a career in the tech industry? What do you wish you had known?

The tech sector is one that is constantly evolving and I would say she would have to be ready for a fast-paced working environment and being able to quickly adapt. But don’t be put off, this is part of the excitement of working in tech! 

What have been some of the most rewarding aspects of your job?  

In my role as Product Manager at Wedia, it is really rewarding for me to see the impact that we are able to have with our product on the lives of our users. 

I would also say that I really relish the chance to collaborate with diverse teams, which for me is a great source of inspiration professionally and personally. 

Do you have a mentor, or who is your role model in the world of software engineering?

I don’t have a specific mentor, but I have been lucky enough to have worked with many inspiring people throughout my career who have helped me be the person I am today. They have taught me many important lessons which have fueled my passion for the tech sector and where I want to go within my career. 

Interested in a career in tech? Check out our current opportunities. 

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