How to improve the ROI of assets using the right analytics

11 Sep


Written by

Marvellous Aham-adi




How to improve the ROI of assets using the right analytics
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Imagine owning a race car but never checking its fuel levels, tire pressure, or engine performance. Would you expect it to consistently win races? Probably not. Similarly, managing digital assets without leveraging analytics is like driving blindfolded—it's inefficient, risky, and far from optimal. 

So, how can businesses harness the power of analytics to improve the ROI of their assets? 

In this article, we will look at practical insights and strategies to help you maximize the value of your assets.  Let’s get started.

The importance of analytics for assets

Analytics provide valuable insights that can enhance the management, optimization, and overall effectiveness of digital assets, leading to numerous benefits for businesses. Here are some of these key benefits:

1. Informed decision-making

Analytics is the cornerstone for informed decision-making within organizations. When businesses collect and analyze data on asset performance, they can make strategic decisions based on empirical evidence rather than intuition or guesswork. 

This data-driven approach ensures that decisions are grounded in reality, increasing the likelihood of achieving desired outcomes. For instance, a company might use analytics to determine which assets are underperforming and which need to be retired or repurposed. Doing this will allow them to optimize their overall asset portfolio.

2. Data-driven insights

Analytics enables organizations to monitor asset performance and user behavior. 

Understanding user behavior through data allows businesses to personalize the digital experience. They gain insights into user preferences and behavior patterns, enabling the creation of more relevant and engaging content. 

Digital marketing campaigns can also be optimized by analyzing performance data. Insights into which campaigns are the most effective help in allocating budgets more efficiently, targeting the right audience segments, and crafting more compelling messages. This leads to a higher return on investment (ROI) and a more effective use of marketing resources.

3. Enhanced asset utilization

Monitoring your analytics will let you track how often and in what ways digital assets are accessed. This information can be used to improve content distribution strategies. For instance, a marketing team might analyze website traffic data to understand which pages are most popular and then optimize their site’s navigation to highlight these high-value pages.

Key metrics for ROI optimization

To effectively measure the performance of digital assets, it's important to track a variety of metrics that provide insights into usage, engagement, and overall effectiveness. Here is a list of digital asset performance metrics to measure:

1. Usage metrics

Usage metrics provide insights into how frequently and in what manner digital assets are being used. It allows businesses to gauge the effectiveness of digital assets. Here are some common usage metrics:

  • Asset views: The number of times a digital asset is viewed by users.
  • Unique visitors: The number of distinct users who view the asset.
  • Session duration: The average length of time users spend interacting with the asset.
  • Downloads: The number of times the asset is downloaded.
  • Repeat visits: The number of times users return to view the asset again.

2. Engagement Metrics

Engagement metrics measure how users interact with and respond to digital assets. It helps businesses understand user behavior so they can optimize their strategies to improve engagement. Here are some common engagement metrics:

  • Interactions: The total number of user interactions with the asset, such as clicks, taps, and hovers.
  • Likes/shares: The number of times the asset is liked or shared on social media or other platforms.
  • Comments: The number of user comments or feedback entries on the asset.
  • Click-through rate (CTR): The percentage of users who click on a link or call-to-action (CTA) within the asset.
  • Bounce rate: The percentage of visitors who leave the site after viewing only one page (applicable for web-based assets).
  • Search queries: Search queries, as an engagement metric, refer to the terms and phrases that users enter into a website's search function or search engines to find content, products, or information related to the digital assets of a business. This metric provides insights into user intent, interests, and behavior. It helps businesses understand what users are actively looking for and how effectively their digital assets meet these needs. 

3. Conversion metrics

Conversion metrics measure how effective a business is at getting users to take desired actions. These metrics provide insights into how well digital assets and marketing campaigns are driving users toward specific goals. Goals such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or downloading a resource. Here are some common conversion metrics:

  • Conversion rate: The percentage of users who complete a desired action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter, after interacting with the asset.
  • Lead generation: The number of leads generated through the asset, such as form submissions or sign-ups.
  • Sales: The number of sales directly attributed to interactions with the asset.

4. Technical performance metrics

Technical performance metrics measure the efficiency, speed, reliability, and overall technical quality of digital assets. These metrics help businesses ensure that their digital platforms provide a seamless, responsive, and user-friendly experience. Here are some common technical performance metrics:

  • Load time: The time it takes for the asset to load and become usable for the user.
  • Uptime: The percentage of time the asset is available and accessible to users.
  • Mobile compatibility: The performance and usability of the asset on mobile devices.

By tracking these metrics, businesses can gain a comprehensive understanding of how their digital assets are performing, identify areas for improvement, and optimize their strategies to maximize engagement, conversions, and overall ROI.

The Role Of DAM In digital asset analysis

In this section, we will explore how DAM software supports the gathering of analytics and how brands can leverage these insights to enhance their asset management strategies.

How DAM software supports the gathering of analytics

1. Centralized asset repository

DAM systems serve as a Single Source of Truth for all digital assets, including images, videos, documents, and other media. By centralizing assets in one location, DAM systems make it easier to track and manage them across various platforms and channels.

2. Usage tracking

DAM systems allow brands to easily monitor how and when assets are accessed, used, and shared. This includes tracking downloads, views, and interactions. For example, a marketing team can see how many times a promotional video has been viewed or downloaded, helping them gauge the asset’s effectiveness.

3. Integration with other systems

Many DAM systems can integrate with other software platforms, such as Content Management Systems (CMS), Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools, and analytics platforms. These integrations enable the seamless flow of data between systems, enhancing the overall analytics capabilities. For instance, integrating a DAM system with a CMS allows for tracking the performance of assets used on websites. This will provide insights into user engagement and behavior.

4. Automated reporting and dashboards

DAM systems like Wedia include built-in reporting and dashboard functionalities that provide real-time visibility into asset performance metrics. Customizable dashboards allow users to track key performance indicators (KPIs) and identify trends at a glance. Automated reports can also be generated and shared with stakeholders, ensuring everyone can access up-to-date information.

Here are some steps to effectively use reports and dashboards:
  • Identify key metrics: Determine which metrics are most critical to the organization’s objectives. These could include usage rates, performance efficiency, and user engagement.
  • Select visualization types: Choose the most appropriate visualization types for each metric. It could be bar charts, line graphs, or pie charts. The right visualization helps stakeholders quickly interpret data.
  • Set up alerts and thresholds: Configure alerts for when metrics exceed or fall below certain thresholds. This proactive approach ensures timely intervention to address issues or capitalize on opportunities.
  • Ensure accessibility: Make sure that dashboards are accessible to all relevant stakeholders, with the ability to customize views based on user roles and preferences.
  • Integrate data sources: Ensure the dashboards integrate data from all relevant sources, such as DAM systems, CMS, CRM, and other analytics platforms, for a comprehensive view of asset performance.

How to leverage DAM insights to enhance asset management

1. Optimize asset utilization

By analyzing usage data from the DAM system, brands can identify which assets are most and least utilized. This information can be used to optimize asset deployment and ensure that high-performing assets are more prominently featured or redistributed to areas where they can add more value. For example, if a particular set of product images gets a lot of clicks and shares, the organization might prioritize creating similar content to maximize engagement.

2. Improve content strategy

DAM insights can reveal patterns in user engagement. This will help brands tailor their content strategy to meet audience needs. For instance, if analytics show that certain types of content (e.g., tutorial videos) have higher engagement rates, focus on producing more of that content. 

3. Enhance collaboration and workflow

DAM systems facilitate collaboration by providing a centralized platform where team members can access, share, and work on assets. Insights from the DAM system can help streamline workflows by identifying bottlenecks and inefficiencies in the asset management process. For example, if certain assets frequently require revisions, the organization can investigate the root cause and improve the review and approval process.

4. Ensure compliance and consistency

Metadata and usage tracking within the DAM system help ensure that assets are used in compliance with licensing agreements and brand guidelines. Organizations can monitor who is using assets and how they are being used, reducing the risk of unauthorized use. This is particularly important for maintaining brand consistency across all marketing channels.

Continuous Improvement Through Feedback Loop

By systematically gathering, analyzing, and acting on feedback, organizations can refine their asset management strategies, optimize performance, and ensure that assets continue to deliver maximum value. Here is how you can effectively go through the loop:

Step 1: Collect feedback:

  • User surveys: Deploy surveys to gather direct feedback from users about their experiences with assets. Questions should cover usability, effectiveness, and satisfaction.
  • Usage analytics: Analyze data on how assets are being used, including metrics such as frequency, duration, and context of use. This data can provide insights into user behavior and preferences. 
  • Social listening: Monitor social media and other online platforms for user comments and discussions related to your assets. This can provide unfiltered, real-time feedback.

Step 2: Analyze the feedback:

  • Data aggregation: Centralize all feedback data in a single repository for comprehensive analysis. DAM systems can facilitate this by aggregating data from various sources.
  • Trend identification: Use analytical tools to identify trends and patterns in the feedback data. Look for common themes and recurring issues that need to be addressed.
  • Performance metrics: Match up the feedback you get from users with the performance metrics you are monitoring. This will help you to understand the impact of user experiences on asset performance and ROI.

Step 3: Act on the feedback:

  • Implement changes: Based on the analysis, make necessary adjustments to assets. This could involve updating content and improving usability.
  • Communicate improvements: Inform users about the changes made in response to their feedback. This not only shows that their input is valued but also encourages ongoing participation in the feedback process.
  • Monitor impact: After implementing changes, continue monitoring asset performance and user feedback to assess the effectiveness of the improvements.

Establishing a continuous improvement feedback loop is vital for improving the ROI of assets. By systematically collecting, analyzing, and acting on feedback, organizations can ensure that their assets remain effective, relevant, and valuable. DAM systems play a crucial role in centralizing insights and facilitating this feedback loop. They provide the tools needed for ongoing optimization and improvement.

Ready to analyze the ROI of your assets?

Optimizing the ROI of assets using the right analytics is not just advantageous—it's essential. By tracking key performance metrics, leveraging customized reporting and dashboards, and implementing a continuous improvement feedback loop, organizations can maximize the value of their assets.

Central to this process is the effective management and analysis of digital assets. A robust Digital Asset Management (DAM) system, like Wedia DAM will help you easily get started. Wedia DAM provides a comprehensive platform that centralizes all digital assets, integrates seamlessly with various feedback and analytics tools, and offers real-time insights into asset performance.

Wedia DAM's advanced features, including metadata management, customizable dashboards, and automated reporting, empower organizations to precisely track asset usage, performance, and ROI. 

Embrace the power of analytics and the capabilities of Wedia DAM to transform your asset management 

For more information on how Wedia DAM can help improve the ROI of your digital assets, book a demo and explore the innovative solutions designed to meet your asset management needs.

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